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- ==============================================
- = GNUTar Amiga Port of V1.11.2 (25 Mar 1993) =
- = ------------------------------------------ =
- = Amiga Port release version: V1.1 =
- = Release Date: 16.09.1995 =
- ==============================================
- 1995 rework, SAS/C recompilation, GNUTar V1.11+ adaption,
- and 68030/040 version by Andreas R. Kleinert (email below)
- Original port of GNUTar V1.09 done by Ed Berger (email below)
- *** Why ? ***
- When extracting TAR archives on the AMIGA there always had been a problem:
- the only available GNUTar port was hard to find and if you got it
- finally, it was quite old and just unoptimized for higher 68k CPUs.
- On the other hand, a simple recompilation wasn't easy for most people,
- since the GNU-C (GCC) Compiler isn't very widely used and adaptions
- for other compilers aren't that easy (as I finally found out ;-)
- *** How ? ***
- My first step to solve this problem was porting the nice, small and
- handy "DeTar" utility from MS-DOS to Amiga.
- The usage was really simple and easy, since you'd just had to call
- "DeTar [archive]" and the whole archive would have been unpacked.
- While searching for Bugs within DeTar (thus using the available GNUTar
- port) I decided to port GNUTar directly (since there actually appeared
- some effects I thought of as bugs of DeTar, but as well possibly
- could have been bugs of the Amiga version of GNUTar ;-)
- So there suddenly was a new SAS/C V6.55 port of GNUTar for the Amiga,
- which wasn't perfect at all, but was thought as a base for further
- actions by other people (or me :-)
- People greatly reacted on this new GNUTar port and reported bugs
- as well as request for also creating updates, which make use of
- features of newer GNUTar versions.
- So I dropped the old V1.09 sources ported by Ed Berger and began
- re-porting V1.11.2 (a beta test release) to the Amiga, still using
- some of the old port stubs (but GCC stuff became useless now).
- *** Next ? ***
- Since V1.11.2 was a beta test release and still isn't the newest
- available version of GNUTar, you may expect newer versions soon.
- *** Details ? ***
- Before I add the original "documentation" of Ed Berger, please take
- a look at these notes:
- - some of the defines and/or functions, which hadn't be present
- for the GCC are actually available for SAS/C and vice versa.
- So there are still some dummy-functions or (hopefully)
- equivalent replacements for such things.
- See the files "sas_amiga.c" and "sas_amiga2.c" for code-replacements
- and the headers within "sasinclude/" and "sasinclude/sys/"
- for additional defines.
- I went this way, since this prevented me from changing _anything_
- within the orginal source.
- The only thing to be done was setting definitions and compiler
- options in the best way and then fill in the missing parts
- (sounds easier, than it was %-)
- - ahm...well: while compiling there occured several problems
- (warnings, missing functions, which had to be substituted
- by dummies, etc.). So remember: it works, but there's really
- no guarantee for anything !
- *** Who ? ***
- Andreas R. Kleinert, Fido 2:2457/435.10
- UseNet Andreas_Kleinert@superview.ftn.sub.org
- Andreaskleinert@n2usx.sauerland.de
- *** History ? ***
- Revisions:
- V1.1 (16.09.1995): - did change version counting: it's too
- confusing the old way.
- The original version number of the GNUTar
- we base on, still is mentioned at the top of
- this documentation
- - completely redid the port: we now do use
- the original GNUTar 1.11.2 (a so-called beta
- test release) instead of the AMIGA/GCC-adapted
- GNUTar 1.09.
- Kind of an update: I simply copied the new
- source over the old one, changed the compiler
- settings, added some more include files and
- resolved all inconsistencies - of course
- *without directly changing any piece* of
- the original GNU C-Sources!
- (-> Regis Rampnoux, ...)
- - README and GNU-License (COPYING) also have been
- updated - old GNU license replaced by newer one.
- There was no update to Tar.man - sorry
- (but I added a specific note to it, to cover this).
- - removed some GCC-addon's, which Ed Berger had
- designed for V1.09, but which won't work with
- V1.11.2 any longer. You may take them from
- Amiga release V1.0.2 (23.07.1995) and adapt them
- - if you like or need them for GCC.
- - again did change chmod() - there was a mysterious
- effect, which caused it to be restored to the
- old, wrong way
- - replaced 68030 and 68040 versions by a combined
- 68030/040 version, since SAS/C does not
- actually make any differences for our code.
- V1.0.2 (23.07.1995): - hey, found out that the base version actually
- had been released as V1.09.
- Added note to this readme.
- - two people complained, that my GNUTar port did
- not set correct flags out of "hsparwed" for the
- amiga files when extracting from archives, as the
- old GNUTar did.
- Well, foudn out, that the old one just _did_ _not_
- _change_ the default flags (always "rwed") and
- we're now just doing the same, since the mode
- field of unix TARs is either broken ("hpw" always
- after conversion Unix->Amiga) or SAS/C's definition
- for the S_IREAD (and so on) flags aren't compatible.
- Now "rwed" will be set always.
- You may change this behaviour within "sas_chmod()"
- in "sas_amiga.c".
- (-> bussjaeg@informatik.tu-muenchen.de;
- Christian Bauernfeind,
- crisbf@theorie3.physik.uni-erlangen.de)
- - mkdir(), which needs only one argument with SAS/C
- had been called with two (got warnings).
- Now we're doing this:
- #define mkdir(x, y) mkdir(x)
- Well, it works ;-)
- V1.0.1 (07.07.1995): - re-compiled with SAS/C V6.55
- - added 68040 version
- - removed object files from archive due to size
- - fixed bug note in documentation; was not a bug
- (-> David Balazic, david.balazic@uni-mb.si)
- V1.00 (23.03.1995): - first release, compiled with SAS/C V6.51
- ****************************************************************************
- Following is, what Ed Berger originally wrote in "readme.1st"
- for V1.09. As with Amiga release V1.1 (GNUTar V1.11.2, first port release)
- I re-switched to the original GNU-sources in combination with some
- of the old code-workarounds:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I was looking for a tar program for the Amiga, since the gcc distribution,
- and minix distribution files are often in this format. Tarsplit from an
- old fish disk was not sufficient. I kept hearing about gnu-tar, but
- never saw it archived anywhere, until now.
- Since I was not able to find gnu-tar, under any separate archive on the
- fish disks, or on my favorite ftp-sites, I pulled this out of the UUCP
- distribution from uunet. The binary and man page were on disk 2, and
- the source files were on disk 3. I hope that I didn't miss anything
- important. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If in doubt
- go back to the UUCP distribution.
- -Ed Berger
- eb15@andrew.cmu.edu
- ****************************************************************************